"King Kong" is a 2005 epic monster adventure film directed, produced, and co-written by Peter Jackson. It's a remake of the 1933 film of the same name. The film stars Naomi Watts, Jack Black, Adrien Brody, and Andy Serkis as the motion-capture performance of King Kong.
Set in 1933, the story follows a filmmaker named Carl Denham (played by Jack Black) who brings a crew to the mysterious Skull Island to film his latest movie. On the island, they encounter the legendary giant gorilla known as Kong, who becomes infatuated with the leading actress, Ann Darrow (played by Naomi Watts). Eventually, Kong is captured and brought to New York City, where he escapes and wreaks havoc, leading to a dramatic climax atop the Empire State Building.
The film was praised for its special effects, particularly the motion-capture performance of Kong, and received Academy Awards for Best Visual Effects, Sound Mixing, and Sound Editing. It's noted for its faithful homage to the original while also expanding upon the story and characters.
Direktur : Peter Jackson
Penulis : Fran Walsh - Philippa Boyens - Peter Jackson
Bintang Utama : Naomi Watts - Jack Black - Adrien Brody
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